Friday, March 24, 2006

Jen's Kinky Maid Costume

Check out JENNIFER ANISTON in this slutty French Maid outfit! Is "Maniston" already looking for tricks to spice things up in the boudoir with VINCE VAUGHN? Actually, this is a shot of Jen from her new flick "Friends with Money." In the ensemble comedy, out April 7, Jen plays an aimless 30-something "domestic assistant" who rebels against her rich, MARRIED friends by having sex with her boyfriend in their houses. Kinda like ANGELINA with BRAD, eh, only with movie trailers? Well, okay, maybe not.

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"Friends with Money" also stars JOAN CUSACK, CATHERINE KEENER and FRANCES McDORMAND, giving it a possible score of 6 out of 10 on the Suck-O-Meter.

(Pic Source: Sony Pictures Classics)

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